The company EcoEnergy Consulting was founded in Podgorica in April 2019 with the aim of performing engineering work and technical consulting. EcoEnergy Consulting is an organization made up of a multidisciplinary team (specialists in energy, economics, biology, landscape architecture, transport and environmental protection) with many years of professional experience. The company’s goal is to promote sustainable development and green energy projects and programs with a focus on environmental protection. The company’s proactive approach ensures expertise in various industrial fields in our daily growing practice. EcoEnergy Consulting supports its clients in realizing the ambitions of the circular economy, providing evidence of the economic, environmental and social benefits it can bring.
We have experience in preliminary and detailed energy audits – preparations, reviews, description of the existing state and identified measures, energy calculations, economic calculations and the creation of reports on energy audits and energy monitoring and management. Also, we can perform a technical audit using the new MEEC software on various types of buildings and structures, audit and technical supervision of electrical installations of power systems.
Among other areas, we have experience in the management and protection of forest ecosystems, the protection of natural and cultural resources and the promotion of protected areas, as well as environmental protection, planning and monitoring measures in various industrial areas.
The members of our team are long-term experienced experts who have worked in government institutions in Montenegro and the region, international agencies and organizations for energy and the environment, the Secretariat of the Energy Community and the Secretariat of Energy Charter Treaty.
The EcoEnergy Consulting team, in close cooperation with recognized experts, is able to provide technical and logistical support during the implementation of programs and projects financed by the European Commission and other international institutions in order to provide technical assistance to local and governmental authorities during the development of strategic documents, action plans , reports, analyses, studies and other documents related to energy, renewable energy, energy efficiency (including energy audit), transport, environment and climate change.
By adopting the Decision of the Ministry for Capital Investments, the company EcoEnergy Consulting is authorized to perform energy audits of buildings and heating and cooling energy systems in Montenegro.
By introducing and implementing international standards ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 22301: 2019, issued by Quality Austria, the company continues to expand the range of services and improve quality.
EcoEnergy Consulting is a member of the Energy Charter Industry Advisory Board in Brussels.
Relevant references:
Project title: International company with experience in investments and Energy Efficiency, sustainable energy resources, sustainable transport and sustainable waste management
Client: Fund for environmental protection
Period of activity: 09/2024-12/2024
Types of activities undertaken: Project “Improving the capacity of the National Contact Person for cooperation with the Green Climate Fund and strengthening national activities for the implementation of the updated Nationally determined contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (NDC)”, is financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the GCF Readiness and preparatory support program, and is implemented by the Environmental Protection Fund of Montenegro (Eco-fund). In April 2021, the Government of Montenegro adopted the National Program of Priority Activities in the Field of Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change as part of Montenegro’s cooperation with the Green Climate Fund for the period 2021-2023, which defined the framework and procedures for cooperation as well as lists of priority projects for financing. Within that document, the needs of the National Contact Person, competent institutions in the field of climate change, as well as the newly formed national institutions for environmental financing – the Eco-Fund, for additional support and capacity building.
Basic duties and responsibilities of the consortium composed of France company Expertise and Advisors and EcoEnergy Consulting are:
Result 1.Preparation of the updated National Program of priority activities of Montenegro in the area of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, harmonized with the objectives of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the principles of gender equality and the Nationally Determined Contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions within the framework of the Paris Climate Agreement (Nationally Determined Contribution – NDC 2). As a result, an updated plan of priority climate change projects will be submitted, as part of the Program Document of the country.
Result 2. Development of a gender-sensitive investment plan for Montenegro in order to implement the Nationally determined contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions within the framework of the Paris Climate Agreement (NDC 2) in the key sectors of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, industry, transport and waste management.
Project title: Report on the detailed energy audit of the building and energy certification – Hotel Keto, Podgorica
Client: Boskovići Group doo
Period of activity: 08/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy performed an energy audit of the hotel and carried out the following stages:
- Phase 1: Analysis of data and project documentation provided by the user in order to prepare the necessary inputs;
- Phase 2: Calculation of the energy characteristics of the building using the national software for the calculation of the energy characteristics of buildings – MEEC, preparation of the Energy audit Report and preparation of the certificate on the energy characteristics of the building.
Project title: Report on the detailed energy audit of the building and energy certification – Hotel Talija, Podgorica
Client: HRC doo, Hotel Talija doo
Period of activity: 08/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy performed an energy audit of the hotel and carried out the following stages:
- Phase 1: Analysis of data and project documentation provided by the user in order to prepare the necessary inputs;
- Phase 2: Calculation of the energy characteristics of the building using the national software for the calculation of the energy characteristics of buildings – MEEC, preparation of the Energy audit Report and preparation of the certificate on the energy characteristics of the building.
Project title: Energy Efficiency Study for the Big Fashion Podgorica
Client: DELTA M CG, Podgorica
Period of activity: 08/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: Energy Efficiency Elaborate prepared in accordance to national energy efficiency regulations.
Project title: Provision of cooperation services during the performance of professional supervision over the execution of works on the rehabilitation of the embankment of the river Bojana in the part of the Štodra settlement, Ulcinj municipality
Client: “NIK COM” d.o.o. Nikšić
Period of activity: 08/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: Carrying out professional supervision in connection with social issues during the execution of works on the restoration of the banks of the Bojana river in the part of the Štodra settlement in Ulcinj, in accordance with the UNDP Standards for social issues and environmental protection.
Project title: Energy audit of the Hotela Lighthouse, Igalo
Client: Art.erija studio doo, Nikšić
Period of activity: 08/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy performed an energy audit of the hotel, which includes following phases:
• Phase 1: Analysis of data and project documentation provided by the user in order to prepare the necessary inputs;
• Phase 2: Calculation of the building’s energy characteristics using the national software for calculating the energy characteristics of buildings – MEEC, preparation of the Energy Audit Report and preparation of the certificate on the building’s energy characteristics.
Project title: Energy audit of the Hotel Montenegro, Bečići
Client: Hotels Group Montenegro Stars, Budva
Period of activity: 08/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy performed an energy audit of the hotel, which includes following phases:
• Phase 1: Analysis of data and project documentation provided by the user in order to prepare the necessary inputs;
• Phase 2: Calculation of the building’s energy characteristics using the national software for calculating the energy characteristics of buildings – MEEC, preparation of the Energy Audit Report and preparation of the certificate on the building’s energy characteristics.
Client: Farmont doo/EBRD, Podgorica
Period of activity: 05/2024-06/2024
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy performed an energy audit of the planned Farmont logistics center, which includes following phases:
• Phase 1: Analysis of data and project documentation provided by the user in order to prepare the necessary inputs;
• Phase 2: Calculation of the building’s energy characteristics using the national software for calculating the energy characteristics of buildings – MEEC, preparation of the Energy Audit Report and preparation of the certificate on the building’s energy characteristics.
Project title: Environmental Impact Assessment for Apart hotel and high density housing in Bar
Client: JUXINYUAN IMPORT EXPORT doo, Podgorica
Period of activity: 05/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Study.
Project title: Environmental Impact Assessment for 50MW Rudine, Nikšić
Client: Qair Rudine doo, Podgorica
Period of activity: 05/2024-
Types of activities undertaken: Baseline Biodiversity study conducted needed for preparation of EIA.
Project title: Environmental Impact Assessment for 50MW Petrovići, Nikšić
Client: Qair Rudine doo, Podgorica
Period of activity: 08/2024-
Types of activities undertaken: Baseline Biodiversity study conducted needed for preparation of EIA.
Project title: Energy Efficiency Study for the educational conference center of the Central Bank of Montenegro in Tivat
Client: Urbi Pro Ltd, Podgorica
Period of activity: 02/2024-03/2024
Types of activities undertaken: Energy Efficiency Elaborate prepared in accordance to national energy efficiency regulations.
Project title: Preparation of the long-term building renovation Strategy of Montenegro
Client: ECA/World Bank
Period of activity: 04/2024-09/2024
Types of activities undertaken: The aim of the Study is to support the renovation of the national stock of residential and non-residential buildings, both public and private, into a highly energy efficient and decarbonized building stock by 2050, facilitating the cost-effective transformation of existing buildings into nearly zero-energy buildings. EcoEnergy will support international consultant in all activities defined by the ToR. The work will include meeting with local stakeholders, drafting inputs to deliverables (notably with respect to the National legal and regulatory framework governing energy efficiency in buildings, and local conditions with regard to technical and economic conditions and barriers for implementation of energy efficiency improvement in buildings), reviewing deliverables and participating in workshops as required by the needs of the Project.
Project title: Preparation of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA) for National Energy and Climate Plan of Montenegro
Client: GIZ
Period of activity: 03/2024-
Types of activities undertaken: The main project objective is to conduct the SEA Report for the NECP. The SEA will describe, identify, and assess the likely significant effects which NECP will have on the environment in line with Montenegrin Law on SEA. Therefore, the SEA will provide recommendations at the strategic level on how potential negative effects resulting from the implementation of the NECP can be minimized and how positive effects can be enhanced. Findings and recommendations of SEA report should be taken into consideration during the drafting process of the NECP.
Project title: Development of Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Montenegro until 2050
Period of activity: 11/2023-
Types of activities undertaken: Support to international consultants during the preparation of the Strategy until 2050 which will include identification of stakeholders and participants, strengthening of the institutional framework and establishment of an inter-sectoral coordination body, data collection and analysis, GHG scenarios and projections, identification of climate change policies and mitigation measures, as well as implementation and monitoring of climate change mitigation policies and measures.
Providing support to the international consultant and ministries responsible for climate change and energy in analytical work during the development of the Strategy until 2050 with the aim of developing a framework and guidelines for:
- Energy and climate change dimension
- Governance dimension
- Social dimension
- International dimension
Project title: Feasibility study – “Energy efficiency project in the education sector”
Client: LDK Consultants S.A/EBRD
Period of activity: 12/2023-
Types of activities undertaken: The project relates to the energy renovation of 25 selected educational institutions in Montenegro, with the aim of reducing energy consumption, CO2 emissions, improving operational energy savings, as well as improving the level of comfort and structural safety of buildings.
Project title: Strategic environmental assessment for the Spatial-urban plan of the Municipality of Bar
Client: Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
Period of activity: 12/2023-
Types of activities undertaken: Prepared a Report on the strategic assessment in accordance with the Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Project title: Strategic environmental assessment for the Spatial-urban plan of the Municipality of Budva
Client: Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
Period of activity: 03/2023-
Types of activities undertaken: Prepared a Report on the strategic assessment in accordance with the Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Project title: Strategic environmental assessment for the Strategy of Forest and Forestry Development for the period 2024-2028
Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Period of activity: 06/2023-02/2024
Types of activities undertaken: Prepared a Report on the strategic assessment in accordance with the Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Project title: Preparation of the Report on the environmental impact assessment for the project Coastal fortification – regulation of the coast of the Tara river at the location of Moracko Trebaljevo in the length of 400m
Client: Water Administration of Montenegro
Period of activity: 12/2023-
Types of activities undertaken: Prepared a Study of the basic state of biodiversity and a report on the environmental impact assessment.
Project title: Preparation of the Report on the environmental impact assessment for the project of construction of the hydrotechnical infrastructure object – regulation of part of the Sutorina river bed in the length of cca 750 m
Client: Water Administration of Montenegro
Period of activity: 09/2023-
Types of activities undertaken: Prepared a Study of the basic state of biodiversity and a report on the environmental impact assessment
Project title: Preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment study for the construction project of a Solar Power Plant with a total installed capacity of 5 MW at KO Vilusi, in Municipality of Niksic
Period of activity: 09/2023-12/2023
Types of activities undertaken: Prepared a Study of the basic state of biodiversity and a report on the environmental impact assessment
Project title: Development of an Environmental Impact Assessment for underground cable line 10kV in National Park Biogradska gora, Berane
Client: CEDIS
Activity period: 07/2023-09/2023
Types of activities undertaken: Biodiversity study for the location of the project is carried out and EIA report prepared.
Project title: Support for the preparation of environmental impact reports for SMEs in Montenegro
Client: GIZ office
Activity period: 08/2023-10/2023
Types of activities undertaken: The aim of this task is to provide support to local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Montenegro to prepare all necessary documentation and reports, required by national legislation, to obtain all necessary permits and opinions (EIA and other assessments) from relevant institutions in Montenegro. The supported company has a business model based on plastic waste reduction and recycling.
Work Package 1: Analysis of National Environmental Legislation Related to Licensing for Recycling and Reuse of Plastics.
Work Package 2: Drafting of Requests for deciding on the need to draft an Environmental Impact Assessment Report
Project Name: Carbon Pricing Impact Assessment for Montenegro
Client: Economic Consulting Associates, Funded by World Bank
Activity period: 05/2023-10/2023
Types of activities undertaken: The World Bank together with the Government of Montenegro started the implementation of the Montenegrin Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) project. The Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism coordinates this project on behalf of the Government of Montenegro.
The task is divided into three discrete tasks, each of which will have a separate report as the final result:
- Task 1: Analysis of the implications of carbon pricing instruments.
- Task 2: Assessing the interaction of carbon pricing and electricity generation planning.
- Task 3: Assessment of a potential offset scheme in the forestry sector.
Project title: Preliminary assessment of the impact on the environment and society of 4 gas power plants in Montenegro
Activity period: 03.2023-04.2023
Types of activities undertaken: The aim of this task is to carry out a preliminary analysis of the proposed locations in Bar, Podgorica, Pljevlja and Nikšić where gas power plants could potentially be built. The analysis, above all, refers to the examination of the existing state of the environment for the proposed locations, that is, the state of all its segments, such as biodiversity, air, soil, water and population. Also, for each location we described the basic characteristics of the terrain, such as geology, seismology and climatic characteristics.
The second task of this analysis was the assessment of potential negative impacts on the environment and society if the construction of power plants, as well as proposing appropriate measures to prevent or mitigate them, in accordance with national legislation and international standards.
Project name: External expertise for measuring carbon emissions, carbon management policies and energy efficiency within the project SOLAR (“Sustainable reduction of carbon footprint levels in the AiRports program”)
Client: Podgorica Airport, Montenegro
Activity period: 10/2022-12/2022
Types of activities undertaken: Specifically, EcoEnergy Consulting was responsible for the following activities:
- data collection and calculation of annual carbon emissions for the previous year in accordance with the GHG protocol and compilation of a report on the carbon footprint for Podgorica Airport, using a standardized and transparent methodology as well as GHG protocol calculation tools;
- development of carbon management policy and propose effective measures to reduce carbon emissions at Podgorica Airport,
- perform an analysis of current and future carbon management policies for Podgorica Airport and develop a Low-Carbon/Low-Energy Plan;
- Propose effective measures to neutralize direct carbon emissions by compensation and prepare a study on how to achieve neutrality for carbon compensation for Podgorica Airport;
- Design, create and implement awareness and behavior change campaigns among Podgorica Airport staff members and their stakeholders, with the aim of encouraging specific behaviors in order to raise the profile of low carbon practices throughout the airport community;
- Design, create and implement a training campaign on energy efficiency and carbon management techniques for Podgorica Airport management, staff and stakeholders.
Project name: Impact assessment services for Hipotekarna banka, Montenegro for a credit line for energy efficiency measures (EE) and renewable energy projects (RES)
Client: Enecons Serbia (Green for Growth Fund, GGF)
Activity period: 10.2022-12.2023
Types of activities undertaken: The Green Growth Fund (GGF) and the Bank have prepared a new credit line to be allocated to energy efficiency (EE) measures and renewable energy (RE) projects to promote and facilitate private and public sector investments in EE and RES. The credit line will be used to finance subloans for EE and RE companies of various sizes, as well as public entities.
Project name: Two separate feasibility studies of on-site solar power generation for KIPS and Mesopromet, Montenegro, funded by the EBRD
Client: LDK Greece
Activity period: 10.2022-12.2022
Types of undertaken activities:
- An overview of the regulatory framework for solar PV systems, including the necessary permits and licensing requirements, was done.
- Support was provided in the identification of suitable locations for PV,
- A high-level review of the current environmental sustainability management, management and monitoring system was conducted,
- Assistance was provided in the preparation of relevant proposals for energy efficiency and resource efficiency measures with a special focus on waste management,
- Country-specific information on the regulatory framework, tariffs and solar market is provided.
Project name: Updating the Air Quality Management Strategy of Montenegro
Client: Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism
Activity period: 09/2022-11/2022
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy Consulting updated the working version of the Air Quality Management Strategy, using data on air pollutant emissions from the inventory and the Informative Report on the Inventory of Emissions for 2022 (with recalculation of emissions for the period 1990-2020).
Project name: Development of environmental impact assessment (EIA) for solar panels 5MW, Podgorica
Client: Permonte doo, Podgorica
Activity period: 08/2022-12/2022
Types of undertaken activities: All potential significant impacts were assessed in the environmental impact assessment report that arised as a consequence of the planned solutions. The results of the impact assessment are presented in the form of a matrix, which lists the development goals and measures from the plan as well as all related alternatives on the one hand, and various environmental issues (land, biodiversity, etc.) on the other.
Project name: Support for the implementation of renewable energy auctions in Montenegro
Client: Nera Consulting and Schoenherr, EBRD fund
Activity period: 07/2022-07/2023
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy Consulting will support international consultants in the following tasks:
The key goals and objectives of this project are:
- Detailed recommendations for selected design elements and draft amendments to existing legislation and documentation,
- Recommendations on the design of auctions of renewable energy sources,
- Tender documentation for solar PV and wind auctions,
- Assessment of location suitability and availability of resources,
- Detailed technical, financial, legal and environmental assistance to the competent authorities for tender implementation.
Project name: Preparation of basic inventories of gas emissions and risk and vulnerability assessment and preparation of mitigation and adaptation measures for 4 supported local self governments (LSGs) in Montenegro
Client: GIZ office
Activity period: 07/2022-08/2023
Types of undertaken activities: The main goal of the project is to support each selected municipality in Montenegro in the preparation of the Initial Emissions Inventory and risk and vulnerability assessment, and to propose mitigation and adaptation measures based on the consultation process with all relevant stakeholders.
These two assessments will form appropriate mitigation and adaptation actions based on reliable data and analysis relevant for preparation of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAP). In Montenegro, 4 LSGs were selected and received support including Podgorica, Kolašin, Tivat and Pljevlja.
Project name: Consulting services for the development of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEA) of flood risk management plans for the Adriatic and Danube river basins within the project “Support to the implementation and monitoring of water management, Montenegro”
Client: Eptisa Southeast Europe d.o.o.
Activity period: 06/2022-12/2022
Types of activities undertaken: The main goal of the project is to produce a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report for flood risk management plans, in close cooperation with state government agencies and ministries and the Water Authority through a participatory process. The SEA will describe, identify and evaluate the likely significant effects that the Flood Risk Management Plans will have on the environment in accordance with the Montenegrin Law on SEA.
Project name: Conducting Energy Audits of Healthcare Facilities: Stari Aerodrom Health Center, Tuzi Health Center, Stara Varoš Health Center
Client: Public Health Institution Podgorica Health Center
Activity period: 06/2023-09/2023
Type of activities undertaken: Energy audits of the JZU Dom zdravlja (Health Centers) were carried out based on building audits, data provided by authorized representatives of the JZU, presentation of project documentation, and the use of specialized software (MEEC version 0.8.1618).
The goal of these energy audits is to identify and analyze energy efficiency (EE) measures that will reduce energy consumption, energy costs, and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the aim is to ensure more efficient operation and maintenance of the facilities after implementing these measures, while maintaining building conditions in accordance with regulations and best practices
Project name: Development of a Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment for the Forestry Development Strategy
Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Activity period: 06/2023-09/2023
Types of activities undertaken: SEA studies will describe, identify and evaluate likely significant positive and negative effects that the Strategy will have on the environment in accordance with the Montenegrin Law on SEA. Additionally, the SEA project will identify the most important environmental constraints related to the implementation of strategies and plans, as well as provide mitigation measures in case of negative environmental impacts.
The SEA studies will provide recommendations at the strategic level on how the potential negative effects that could result from the implementation of the Strategy can be minimized and how the positive effects can be increased.
Project name: Development of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) for a surface mine for the exploitation of rocks
Client: Trojan Doo, Bar, Montenegro
Activity period: 07/2022-09/2022
Types of activities undertaken: All potential significant impacts are assessed in the environmental impact assessment report that may cause planned solutions or qualified alternative solutions for the considered environmental issues.
The results of the impact assessment are presented in the form of a matrix, which lists the development goals and measures from the plan as well as all related alternatives on the one hand, and various environmental issues (land, biodiversity, etc.) on the other.
Project name: Feasibility study of solar energy production for Voli Trade, Montenegro, financed by the EBRD
Client: LDK Greece, EBRD financing
Activity period: 06/2022-08/2022
Types of undertaken activities:
- An overview of the regulatory framework for solar PV systems, including the necessary permits and licensing requirements, was done.
- Support was provided in the identification of suitable locations for PV,
- A high-level review of the current environmental sustainability management, management and monitoring system was conducted,
- Assistance was provided in the preparation of relevant proposals for energy efficiency and resource efficiency measures with a special focus on waste management,
- Country-specific information on the regulatory framework, tariffs and solar market is provided.
Name of the project: Analytical Support for Preparation of Readiness Support Plan of Montenegro
Client: Economic Consulting Associates (‘ECA’), World Bank Financing
Activity period: 04/2022-05/2022
Types of Activities Undertaken: Support the development of sections of the Readiness Support Plan covering the Market Readiness Analysis and the Long List Analysis of Carbon Charge Impact Options.
Project name: Support for the preparation of two technical reports on “Security of supply” and “Planning of the distribution network in Israel”
Activity period: 09/2021- 11/2021
Types of activities undertaken: A report on the development of the Israeli distribution electricity system network was prepared based on data collected through a questionnaire that was sent to the members.
A report on Security of Supply in MEDREG member countries was prepared based on questionnaires submitted by country representatives.
Project name: SEA report on Tourism Development Strategy until 2025
Client: Ministry of Economic Development
Activity period: 09/2021-12/2021
Types of undertaken activities: A strategic environmental impact assessment was made.
Project Title: Technical assistance and integration services for adapting tourism planning and management tools to improve tourism sustainability
Client: Ministry of Economic Development and Tourism/ INTERREG MED ALTER ECO PLUS 2014-2023
Activity period: 03/2022-07/2022
Types of activities undertaken: Improving tourism management as well as improving the understanding of pressures in order to build concrete strategies towards a more sustainable and responsible tourism model for MED Plus. The mainstreaming process was supported in order to improve public policies related to tourism management.
Montenegro is one of the partners for whom the tool and recommendations will be used for 3 locations: Podgorica, Kotor and Žabljak
Name of the project: Preparation of EIA for road reconstruction – Highway – Kolašin section
Client: Monteput Ltd., Montenegro
Activity period: 03/2022-06/2022
Types of undertaken activities: An Elaborate on environmental impact assessment was prepared and consent was obtained.
Project name: Technical consulting services for the project “EU support for integrated water management” in Tirana, Albania
Client: Austrian Development Agency
Activity period: 04/2022-12/2022
Types of activities undertaken: Support EUSIWM activities related to issues of public participation, communication and awareness raising in the development of Ierzen River Basin Management Plans;
This should also include providing a methodology and model for AMBU to prepare communication and public participation plans for future river basin plans. A participatory communication strategy was developed between relevant stakeholders, affected and affected parties, target groups, university/academic research and NGOs.
Project name: IPA-INER project “External expertise and service costs: Energy management cycle trainings
Client: Agency for Local Democracy, NGO Nikšić
Activity period: 09/2021-03/2023
Types of activities undertaken: EcoEnergy Consulting is in charge of training related to the use of energy management software with the aim of showing cost estimates, electricity savings and the rate of return on investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.
We have identified potential sources of financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
Project title: SEA reports on 3 National Forestry Development Plans in the municipalities of Rožaje, Pljevlja and Mojkovac
Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Activity period: 04/2020-08/2020
Types of activities undertaken: 3 Reports on strategic environmental impact assessment for the Forest Development Plan for the forest area of Mojkovac, Rožaje and Pljevlja 2020-2029 were prepared.
Project title: Social, Health and Security supervision of reconstruction works of M-2 road section Rozaje- Spiljani, M-18 road section Podgorica – Daoilovgrad and M-2 road section Tivat- Budva (Jaz).
Client: IRD Engineering
Activity period: 06/2020-06/2022
Types of undertaken activities: The general goal of the project is to provide supervision services over reconstruction works and the implementation of environmental and social policy for the reconstruction of three sections of the road; The section of the M-2 road Rožaje – Spiljani, the section of the road M-18 Podgorica – Danilovgrad and the section of the road M-2 Tivat – Budim (Jaz). In this context, the Independent Contractor will contribute to the project, especially in relation to “Occupational Health and Safety” and “Social” issues through its experts.
Name of the project: Preparation of the Biodiversity Basic Study for the needs of the ESIA study for the Brskovo Mine Project in Mojkovac
Client: Tara Resources
Activity period: 09/2020-12/2022
Types of undertaken activities: The subject of this agreement is the preparation of a basic study of biodiversity for the purposes of assessing the impact on the environment and society.
The report is composed of two parts: the first related to the collection of literature data and their interpretation, and the second is the final report, which, in addition to literature data, contains data obtained through field research. All segments of biodiversity are supplemented with GIS maps.
Project name: Development of an Action Plan for the implementation of the Green Agenda in the Western Balkans
Client: Council for Regional Cooperation in Sarajevo
Activity period: 09/2021- 10/2021
Types of activities undertaken:
- Activity 1: Development of a road map for a circular economy in the Western Balkans
- Activity 2: Creating a road map for climate action in the Western Balkans
Project name: Regional program of energy efficiency in the transmission component II: Montenegrin littoral: Development of the Luštica region
Client: GOPA – International Energy Consultants GmbH
Activity period: 03/2020-12/2023
Types of undertaken activities: Preparation of the basic biodiversity study for the project area, preparation of the ESIA report for the needs of KfW including the ESMP and Action Plan for resettlement and land acquisition, preparation of the EIA for the construction of the 110kV underground cable from Radovići to Kavac, preparation of the EIA for the DV 110kV Lastva- Kotor. The analyzes include elaboration of the project’s positive impacts on the economy and the environment through the reduction of CO2 emissions by increasing the efficiency of transmission lines.
Project name: Development of the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP)
Client: GIZ office
Activity period: 08-2020-04-2022
Types of undertaken activities: Preparation together with an international consultant of the National Energy and Climate Plan.
Project name: Promoting the sustainable use of medicinal and aromatic plants to improve livelihoods and preserve biodiversity through the IPA program of cross-border cooperation Montenegro-Albania
Client: Municipality of Plav
Activity period: 07/2021-08/2022
Types of activities undertaken: Field research of aromatic and medicinal plants in the municipality of Plav, GIS mapping of the list of plants found during the research, creation of a website, organization of trainings for the local population, development of guidelines for the collection of aromatic and medicinal plants.
Project name: Assessment of Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change
Client: Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism
Activity period: 03/2020-6/2020
Types of undertaken activities: Analyzes of the fulfillment of legal, institutional, economic and financial goals defined in the Initial Criteria for Chapter 27 – Environment and Climate Change
Name of the project: Fact-finding study on the Serbian energy market, environmental protection policy and climate change
Client: OMNIA GmbH, KfW funded
Activity period: 01/2020-08/2020
Types of undertaken activities: Energy sector:
Advice on the status of energy sector reform relevant to the design of a policy-based loan instrument
Consider the points below and put them into a high-level reform package that will serve as a starting point for further discussion and negotiations on a policy-based lending instrument.
Environment sector:
A summary of the gap analysis below, current status and future plans, advantages and disadvantages of entering specific sub-themes with policy-based lending, and recommendations on the potential design of a high-level policy-based instrument;
Creation of 2 policy matrices with recommendations
Project title: Development of an Environmental Impact Assessment for a small hydroelectric power plant on the Ljestanica River
Client: Hydro Ljestanica ltd
Activity period: 10/2019-05/2020
Types of undertaken activities: We performed assessments in the management and protection of forest ecosystems, the protection of natural and cultural resources and the promotion of protected areas, proposed mitigating measures for environmental protection, planning and monitoring measures in various industrial areas.